Did you know the PirateBay also gives you music recommendations?? Every download page related to music has a detailed artist info section with a list of artists very similar to one you’re trying to download and it’s pretty darn useful. A preliminary search for some mellow bands led me to a dozen year old album called Fashion Nugget, by an alternative rock band called the Cake.
The album contains some gems like ‘Nugget’, a cool song with a funk feel, although I should probably warn you that it periodically contains a well known four letter :-D. They also managed to make use of that word in a remake of the Gloria Gaynor’s ‘I Will Survive’. A little research leads to a nifty piece of trivia that this it is also the goal music of the Turkish football club Galatasaray SK. The album starts with a trumpetty-sad but still rythmic number titled ‘Frank Sinatra’, which has had the honour of appearing in the hit series The Sopranos. It seems like a pretty well know band and I'm surprised at not having heard of them. Moreover, this album has left me intrigued and curious about their music and I hope to find more and more of it. I give this album my thumbs up!!
You can get a taste of their music here.